April '02
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Well this is the first of hopefully many monthly newsletters to let everyone know what we have been doing and  help us stay in touch.  To catch everyone up, we are still living in the state of Washington in a town named Sammamish which is about 15 miles East of Seattle.  Mike is still working at Microsoft and Lisa stays busy keeping up with boys hectic schedule.  Zach is a sophomore in high school and Cody is an eighth grader in middle school (having them both in high school next year should be interesting).  We have a new family member this year named Emma, which is the center of attention.  She was Lisa's sisters dog from Iowa.

Both boys are very active in sports.  Zach is involved in football, basketball and baseball at Skyline High School.  He also plays on a select baseball team during the summer months (just can't get enough baseball).  Check out the photos of our Orlando trip in our photo album to read more about the baseball adventures last year.  For school ball this year he's pitching on the varsity team but also gets to play with his classmates on JV.  Pretty much the same for football, he was QB for JV and was back-up for the varsity.  The Skyline's varsity football team was 3rd in 3A state competition last year with a lot of returning plays so we are anxiously awaiting the start of this season.

Cody also plays football, basketball and baseball.  This was his first year playing football and had great experience.  They started out the  season very slow but ended up finishing 3rd in the playoffs.  He's following in his fathers footsteps playing defensive end and tight end (Mike keeps reminding him how great he was, I think his memory is going).  He's anxiously awaiting for high school football to start next year which has a freshman team he'll be playing on.  Up until last year he played on a Select AAU basketball team that traveled throughout the area and played in a couple national tournaments.  This year he played in the local Skyline Select basketball program along with his Pine Lake Middle School Team.  He's been having problems with his knees so a little less basketball this year has given them some time to heal.  Baseball has just started and he is playing with a group of kids that have played  together on and off since tee-ball so they always have a good time.

Both boys are growing up quickly with Zach actually taller than his dad at this point (which he keeps reminding him) with Cody not far behind.  Zach just turned 16 so he is out and about on the roadways and gets to drive his Dad's original 1981 Firebird (yes, it's still around with many miles and memories that Mike just can't let go).  Mike keeps telling him it's a chick magnet but Zach seems to think otherwise.  

As far as Mike and Lisa, we still stay active with water skiing/golf in the summer and snow activities in the winter.  With  4-6 baseball/basketball games a week it usually doesn't leave much free time.  If we do have a long weekend or some free days, we try to spend time up at Whistler in BC, Canada (more information about Canada in the Photo Album section).

Hopefully this catches everyone up.  We'll continue to add newsletters throughout the months to keep everyone posted of what's happening in the Habben household.  Thanks for stopping by.


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